Decode uploaded videos and get accurate information with Filestack’s

Extract Meaningful Data

Use Video Tagging to Extract Meaningful Data

Uncover insights within your videos with Filestack Intelligence using state of the art machine learning to automatically organize videos, streamline processes, and make decisions about video data without the need for manual analysis. Detect general features of uploaded videos through Workflows.

Image Tagging

A real example of the returned tags when uploading the following video

Object Detection

"tags": {
    "auto": {
    "animal": 99,
    "cheetah": 99,
    "grass": 62,
    "jaguar": 95,
    "land": 53,
    "leopard": 95,
    "mammal": 99,
    "nature": 53,
    "outdoors": 53,
    "panther": 95,
    "plant": 80,
    "tree": 54,
    "vegetation": 88,
    "wildlife": 90

Which industries benefit from video tagging?

Any place where knowing the content of a video would help you to organize assets, direct sales, target customers, and improve user experience would benefit from video tagging.

There are countless insights in your videos. Tagging and filtering help you turn your videos into data to drive your business. Filestack has partnered with the best machine learning technology to deliver a quick analysis of your videos and drive actionable insights.

Video tagging in ecommerce

Video tagging is one way to speed up backend processes by automatically tagging images with attribute labels for both physical and aesthetic qualities. This capability offers consumers a highly personalized experience since the retailer has information on the consumer’s style preferences. What’s more, image and video tagging helps curation teams build shoppable content or distribute UGC for publishers, brands and retailers.


A problem facing many e-commerce retailers is building classifiers for product data tagging, which is a faster and more scalable approach. A key challenge is the proliferation of taxonomies used to describe merchandise. One brand may call something a “shirt,” another “blouse,” and yet another “polo.”

One way to go around this is by populating the field with a list of suggested tags. This can be accomplished using Filestack’s Picker, our image and video tagging micro-service, and any general HTML form. By presenting a list of tags to the user and allowing them to click on each to populate an input field, we have taken a task and turned it into a few clicks.

Keep your business processes smart and seamless when you tag videos with Filestack.

Diagram showing a workflow for a video tags

  • Object Recognition Icon

    Object Recognition

    How valuable would it be to “see” what is in every image? With our image auto-tagging service, you can easily abstract what objects appear in your uploaded images. People, animals, transportation, and thousand of other categories are at your disposal.

  • Explicit Content Detection Icon

    Explicit Content Detection

    Moderate your images to ensure you are only showing content that comply with your rules and boundaries. By implementing “safe for work” and a “not safe for work” score, our image tagging service can help you automate content moderation so you can focus on your core business.

  • Object Detection Icon

    Object Detection

    Sometimes knowing which objects are in your photos isn’t enough -- you need to know where they are, too. Filestack Object Detection uses state-of-the-art neural networks to detect and locate common objects in photos.

  • OCR (Optical Character Recognition) Icon

    OCR (Optical Character Recognition)

    OCR extracts text from images so you don’t have to. Whether you are transcribing old documents, or grabbing license plate numbers from security footage, Filestack OCR reliably extracts printed and handwritten data from your images.

  • Copyright Icon


    Now detect images that are copyright protected. Upload a single image or millions of images. A single API call will display the copyright status of any image. This is especially useful for businesses that rely on user generated content and require their uploads to be free of copyrights.

  • Video Intelligence Icon

    Video Intelligence

    SEO can amplify how users search for and find your website. Give your site the boost it needs with automatic video tagging when you apply Filestack Video Intelligence. With our custom machine learning models, long form video tags are applied to your video uploads to optimize your site’s performance with SEO front and center.

Just One Integration, One Time...

Filestack connects you with a multitude of services with one simple integration. You will never have to worry about updating API integrations again. Uploading files is our raison d’etre. We continually update our API and will never depreciate our API or force unwarranted changes on you.

Libraries & SDKs
Choose from our SDKs to get started: Javascript, Ruby, PHP, Python, Swift, Android
No maintenance required
Once you integrate, you’re done. Never worry about changing APIs disrupting your file workflow again.
Dev-to-dev support
Your files are always our #1 concern. We are always here to help you get up and running and assure the best performance.
Examples of code snippets
import * as filestack from 'filestack-js';
const client = filestack.init('YOUR API KEY');
client.upload(fileObject).then(data =>console.log(data.url));
gem 'filestack'
client ='YOUR_API_KEY',
security: security_object)
filelink = client.upload(filepath: '/path/to/file')
$ composer require --prefer-dist

use Filestack\FilestackClient;

$client = new FilestackClient('YOUR_API_KEY');
$filelink = $client-upload('/path/to/file');
$ pip install filestack-python

from filestack import Client
client = Client("")

params = {'mimetype': 'image/png'}
new_filelink =